Brightside Nursery Infant School

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Curriculum Intent

Music is an enjoyable and happy thread that weaves through children’s years in our school.

During their time at Brightside Nursery Infant School, we aim for children to have a wide range of musical experiences including listening, performing and composing via a curriculum that develops their skills and musical knowledge through singing, dancing, playing instruments and engaging in musical games. They hear and perform music in a wide variety of genres and from different cultures. We provide children with these opportunities to progress their musical interests and talents and share their enjoyment with the Brightside community.

Our goal is to enrich and enhance the Brightside school community by musical activity which brings children, staff and parents/carers together with shared positive experiences. Children have opportunities for extracurricular musical experiences through lunchtime clubs and workshops delivered by outside agencies.

We encourage children to recognise and feel the beneficial impact of music making to their mental and physical well-being. They leave Brightside with experiences that will enable them to have a lifelong engagement with music.



We aim to:

  • enable pupils, through music, to express themselves and realise their creative potential;
  • foster pupils’ sensitivity to, and their understanding and enjoyment of music, through an active involvement in listening, performing, composing and appraising;
  • enable pupils to acquire and develop the musical skills involved in performing, composing, listening, reviewing and evaluating;
  • extend pupils’ awareness and understanding of a wide variety of music from different cultural contexts, both past and present;
  • develop, through music, pupils’ skills which contribute to learning across the curriculum
  • give all pupils the opportunity to contribute to the cultural life of the school and community.


Preparations for cultural events and participation in festivals are built in to the weekly lessons. Extra rehearsals are organised at other times as needed.

There is a singing assembly once a week.

We also do a music showcase assembly each half term. This is a chance for children show each other what they have been learning in their weekly music lessons. 

Progression in Music across EYFS and KS1


Early Years

In the Early Years Foundation Stage music is delivered through continuous provision and specific activities with the Music Leader and/or nursery staff. Musical creativity is developed through continuous provision in the form of access to instruments and recorded music as well as specific musical activities such as singing. Where appropriate, music lessons link to topics being covered across the curriculum, and to specific projects, performances and events.

 EYs Observation Checklist Guide - EA&D


Key Stage 1

In Key Stage 1 familiar songs, rhymes and singing games form the core of the curriculum with the aim of helping the pupils to become independent musicians. Where appropriate, music lessons link to topics being covered across the curriculum, and to specific projects, performances and events.

Each lesson or sequences of lessons concentrates on particular elements of music, such as rhythm and melody, and includes aspects of performing, listening, appraising and composing.

All lessons include opportunities for creativity, reflection, evaluation and pupils’ own ideas for development. There are frequent opportunities for audio and video recording of their work to aid this process.

Music is closely linked with dance, often using the same themes as inspiration.



Our children grow in creativity, confidence and musical knowledge throughout their time at Brightside Nursery Infant School. Children leave Brightside with a love and appreciation for music. Children will be able to use musical skills such as performing, composing, listening, reviewing and evaluating. They are aware of a variety of music from different cultural contexts, both past and presents. Children will have had many opportunities to perform and showcase their skills at a range of events such as harvest festival, Christmas performances, leaving assemblies etc.



Please see below for our 'Music Development Plan 2024-2025'