Brightside Nursery Infant School

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Thank you for visiting our nursery page!

Please keep checking back for new information and photos to show what we have been learning. 

The teachers in nursery are Mr Morris (Assistant Head teacher) & Miss Barrowclough (Class teacher)

Our teaching assistants are Miss Woodward, Mrs Deeley, Miss Schofield and Mrs Boast 



Don't forget to look at our newsletter to see more details about what we are learning in each topic. 



We learn through play!

We learn best when we feel happy, safe and secure

A day in nursery… during the session, all children will have the opportunity to play and learn in many different ways and in many different areas:



We can get very messy at nursery so please thinking carefully about the clothes you send your child in.  Comfortable clothes that at are easy to manage will help develop independence enabling them to go to the toilet easily. Try to avoid things like dungarees, belts, braces, lace up shoes and tight fitting clothes (e.g. skinny jeans). 

We spent a lot of time outdoors, even in the rain and snow. You can leave a pair of wellies at nursery for your child to wear when needed. They will also need suitable clothing for the weather; a thick, warm, waterproof coat in the winter, sunhat, sun cream in the summer. Make sure they are wearing practical footwear for running around and climbing. 

Fridays are our Forest School days! Please send children in appropriate clothing for the woodland. There is more information about Forest Schools under the Governors and Community tab.

Please ensure you send your child with at least one spare set of clothing, even if they are fully toilet trained. Children may need to change their clothes if they get wet or messy. Aprons are available for children to use if they wish to, but we ask that children come to school in washable, practical clothes.

If your child is toilet training please send LOTS of additional clothes!