Brightside Nursery Infant School

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Welcome to Class 10!


The teacher in Class 10 is Miss Jones


The teaching assistants working across Y1 are Mrs Beck, Mrs Yousaf, Miss Green and Miss Latif.



Our PE days are on Monday and Friday. Please ensure that your child has a PE kit in school on those days. This can be:

  • a t-shirt or sweatshirt
  • leggings, tracksuit bottoms or shorts
  • trainers or pumps 


Homework clip art for kids free clipart images 3 -


Homework will be given out every Friday. This will consist of spellings or phonics that your child has been learning and a maths worksheet to complete at home. Your child will also receive a weekly reading challenge. Please read with your child daily, fill in the challenge form and bring it into school the following Friday. You may also borrow a reading book from school. These can be changed weekly on a Friday.


Have a look at our classroom: