Brightside Nursery Infant School

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  1. News
  2. Public Health advice- Hepatitis A

Public Health advice- Hepatitis A

18 July 2024 (by Danielle Jenkins-Omar (Danielle))

Sheffield Public Health have asked school to share the following information.

It is important to protect against infectious diseases. As the school summer holidays
approach, you and your family may be travelling outside the UK to spend time with
friends and family.
Following a number of cases of Hepatitis A infection in Yorkshire, please take the time
to watch this short video (attached) and visit your local GP to receive a vaccination
for you and anyone in your family aged over 1 year if you are travelling abroad to
countries where Hepatitis A is a common disease. More information about Hepatitis A
can be found on the travel health website here: NaTHNaC - Hepatitis A