Brightside Nursery Infant School

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  1. News
  2. CU Festival of fun

CU Festival of fun

18 July 2024 (by Danielle Jenkins-Omar (Danielle))

The CU Festival of Fun 2024 is GO!!! We're SUPER excited to announce our programme of FREE taster activities is now LIVE and bookings are OPEN.

The activities are located right across the city, so there should be something close to everyone, including art, STEM, dance, drama, gaming and LEGO, sport, circus skills, study support, environment, First Aid, Fire Station visits and more…

Remember, to take part, children and young people must:

  • Currently attend a Sheffield school
  • Have a CU Passport to Learning (these can be bought for £3.50 from any Sheffield Library and this will also give them access to collect CU credits after the CU Festival of Fun has ended). They'll need one to book their activities, so encourage them to pop along to their nearest library today.

Scan the QR code to find and book activities