Brightside Nursery Infant School

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  1. News
  2. Year 2 Cinema Trip

Year 2 Cinema Trip

16 January 2020 (by brightside)

The year 2's current topic is 'Why is Brightside a good place to live?' As part of this, the children went on a free trip to Vue Cinema today. They enjoyed watching the film 'Spies in Disguise' and loved sharing their favourite parts after the trip. 

On the way back, the children walked around Brightside to identify other features in the area such as shops, offices, the train station and the power station.  They also looked at areas they would like to improve such as the litter on the floor and the busy roads with lots of traffic. 

We will be using these findings in our geography work over the next few weeks.  Well done year 2 for fantastic behaviour today.